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Novosti News

6.12.2015. 9:52
O "Dječjem fondu"

Primili smo pismo od predsjednice  WF Stefanie Salzer , koja je prisustvovala sastanku Glavnog odbora Claimsa na kojem se raspravljalo o "Dječjem Fondu" ( Children fund) koji je nedavno odobren za one koji su bili djeca ( rođeni prije 1.1.1928) u vrijeme Holokausta i pretrpjeli traume te "izgubili djetinjstvo".

Dear Board Members

Yesterday the
Leadership Committee of the Claims Conference , on which I had been asked to serve, had a lengthy conference call  ( well over 2 hrs)—some important agenda items were covered. ...

On Child Survivor Fund : 21,600  payments have been made, based on first in-first out basis, there was discussion of the fact that  further payments are to be made starting in Jan 2016, and then again, when more money comes in from Germany, in Jan 2017 —60 million  in 2016 and again in 2017—possibility was mentioned that maybe payments can be made to additional 10,000 people in October

My recommendation was: that payments be made first to those CS in need, and then by age—to the oldest ones first

Roman Kent agreed and supported that—as did others, taking it as reasonable way to do it.  I also spoke about whether it would be helpful if we, the WF, and the American Gathering were to write letters to German government asking for an increase in home care for those in need, especially to make more hours of help available to those who have been moved to institutional care , but need more help.  

Stefanie Seltzer