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Novosti News

11.4.2024. 7:55
primili smo od izvršnog potpredsjednika Claimsa ovu obavijest



Today, in collaboration with the Israeli government's Holocaust Survivors Rights Authority (HSRA), we have announced the implementation of a new fund for Holocaust survivors. The Solidarity for Israel Fund is a one-time, emergency payment from the German government secured by the Claims Conference specifically for Holocaust survivors living in Israel during the ongoing conflict.

Since the Holocaust, Israel has been a 'safe place' for survivors, a home they would never again have to leave. To be unsettled as they have been since the attacks of October 7 is retraumatizing for them and requires additional support and services. It is unfathomable that they would have to endure this level of threat again in their lifetime. We will continue to monitor their needs - they will not be abandoned as they were in their youth.

Greg Schneider

Danas smo, u suradnji s Upravom za prava preživjelih holokausta (HSRA) izraelske vlade, najavili provedbu novog fonda za preživjele holokausta. Fond solidarnosti za Izrael je jednokratna, hitna isplata njemačke vlade koju osigurava Claims Conference posebno za preživjele holokausta koje žive u Izraelu tijekom sukoba koji je u tijeku.

Od holokausta, Izrael je bio 'sigurno mjesto' za preživjele, dom koji više nikada neće morati napustiti. Biti uznemireni kao što su bili od napada 7. listopada za njih je retraumatizirajuće i zahtijeva dodatnu podršku i usluge. Nepojmljivo je da bi morali ponovno izdržati ovu razinu prijetnje tijekom svog života. Nastavit ćemo pratiti njihove potrebe – neće biti napušteni kao što su bili u mladosti.

Greg Schneider