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Novosti News

26.6.2023. 9:28
The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency warned of a growing threat of extremism, particularly from the far right, with the number of politically motivated crimes carried out by extremists reaching a record high last year.

Thomas Haldenwang, who heads the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, or BfV, said that his agency had come to the “sad conclusion” that extremism of all shades is on the rise in Germany
Of the 38,800 far-right extremists counted by the agency last year, more than 10,000 are members of the 
Alternative for Germany  party, known by its acronym AfD.

“We see a very strong current of people within this party who are opposed to our constitution,” said Haldenwang. “We see a lot of hatred and agitation against minorities of all kinds there.”

Despite being largely shunned by mainstream parties, AfD has established itself as a powerful force — particularly in the east, where it stands a strong chance of winning state elections next year.

Authorities are working to ensure that police forces in Germany prevent and recognize potential extremism within their own ranks...


Šef njemačke  obavještajne agencije upozorio je na sve veću prijetnju ekstremizma, posebice iz krajnje desnice, pri čemu je broj politički motiviranih zločina koje su počinili ekstremisti prošle godine dosegnuo  rekordnu razinu 

Thomas Haldenwang, koji vodi Savezni ured za zaštitu ustava (BfV), rekao je da je njegova agencija došla do "tužnog zaključka" da je ekstremizam svih nijansi u porastu u Njemačkoj
Od 38.800 krajnje desnih ekstremista koje je agencija izbrojala prošle godine, više od 10.000 su članovi stranke Alternativa za Njemačku, poznate pod akronimom AfD.

"Vidimo vrlo jaku struju ljudi unutar ove stranke koji se protive našem ustavu", rekao je Haldenwang. "Tamo vidimo puno mržnje i agitacije protiv svih vrsta manjina." Unatoč tome što ga glavne stranke uglavnom izbjegavaju, AfD se etablirao kao moćna sila - osobito na istoku, gdje ima velike šanse za pobjedu na državnim izborima sljedeće godine.

Vlasti rade na tome da policijske snage u Njemačkoj spriječe i prepoznaju potencijalni ekstremizam u svojim redovima...

i još jedan članak Europskog židovskog kongresa

In 2022, the Federal Association of Research and Information Centers on Antisemitism (Bundesverband RIAS) recorded 2,480 antisemitic incidents nationwide. That is nearly seven incidents per day. Antisemitism in Germany remains at a high level.