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Novosti News

26.6.2023. 9:03

The Jewish community of Vienna (IKG) celebrated a street festival in Judenplatz.

More than 40 institutions, Jewish organizations and associations, the Austrian Police (with their initiative “Safe Together”), the Israeli Embassy and the Jewish Museum Vienna were represented.

On stage, the Meirov Brothers Band and the Noya Showband created a lively atmosphere, and the gastronomic offer offered plenty of opportunity to try kosher food.

For IKG President Oskar Deutsch, it is particularly important that antisemitism is no longer discussed in connection with the IKG, but that Jewish life is the focus.

The festival was strong sign of Jewish life in Austria, which also showed the diversity within the community – from young to old, from liberal to orthodox, from rabbinic literature to jewelry and handicrafts, everything was represented and shared until in celebrated into the summery evening in Vienna.


Židovska zajednica Beča (IKG) proslavila je ulični festival na Judenplatzu.

Predstavljeno je više od 40 institucija, židovskih organizacija i udruga, austrijska policija (s inicijativom „Sigurni zajedno“), izraelsko veleposlanstvo i Židovski muzej u Beču.

Na pozornici su Meirov Brothers Band i Noya Showband stvorili živu atmosferu, a gastronomska ponuda nudila je pregršt prilika za kušanje košer hrane.

Za predsjednika IKG-a Oskara Deutscha posebno je važno da se u vezi s IKG-om više ne govori o antisemitizmu, već dau fokusu  život Židova.

Festival je bio snažan znak židovskog života u Austriji. Festival je također pokazao raznolikost zajednice – od mladih do starih, od liberala do ortodoksnih, od rabinske književnosti do nakita i rukotvorina, sve je bilo zastupljeno i dijeljeno dok se slavilo u ljetnu večer  u Beču.