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Novosti News

12.5.2023. 9:51
Rocket attacks on Israelis have turned deadly. But your support enables Magen David Adom to save lives.

For the second day, Israelis are under attack, with rockets striking communities in the southern and central parts of the country, including a direct strike on an apartment in Rehovot that killed one and injured seven others.

People were injured in other communities too as some rockets evaded Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. In each of these incidents, Magen David Adom paramedics and EMTs have responded amid the barrage at their own risk, treated the injured at the scene, and evacuated them to local hospitals.

Raketni napadi na Izraelce postali su smrtonosni.
Ali vaša podrška omogućuje Magen David Adomu da spašava živote.

Već drugi dan Izraelci su napadnuti, a rakete pogađaju zajednice u južnim i središnjim dijelovima zemlje, uključujući izravan napad na stan u Rehovotu u kojem je jedan ubijen, a sedam je ranjeno.

Ljudi su ozlijeđeni iu drugim zajednicama jer su neke rakete izbjegle izraelskom obrambenom sustavu Iron Dome. U svakom od ovih incidenata bolničari Magen David Adoma i hitna pomoć reagirali su usred baražne vatre na vlastitu odgovornost, zbrinuli ozlijeđene na mjestu događaja i evakuirali ih u lokalne bolnice.