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Novosti News

27.8.2021. 11:05

Nominations are open for the Simon Wiesenthal Prize, a new initiative by the The National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism to honour commitment from civil society to combatting antisemitism and promoting Holocaust education.

Počela je nominacija za nagradu "Simon Wiesentha"l, što je nova inicijativa u Austriji za žrtve nacionalsocijalizma. Nagrada  je za doprinos  poštivanju civilnog društva i borbi protiv antisemitizma te za promociju edukacije o Holokaustu .Nagrada je prva inicijativa takve vrste u Europi, Ideja za  tu nagradu se rodila kada je predsjednik Wolfgang Sobotka , prilikom posjete Izraelu (2018)susreo Rachel Kreisberg, unuku Simona Wiesenthala.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku:

Prospective prizewinners have made an outstanding contribution – through projects, initiatives or in other meaningful ways – towards combating antisemitism and/or educating the public about the Holocaust by:

• actively fostering, consolidating and imparting knowledge and awareness about the Holocaust;
• raising awareness in society about the dangers of antisemitism in the present;
• increasing understanding of the mechanisms and consequences of antisemitism and thereby strengthening democratic culture in everyday life;
• acting as a beacon of civil courage, thereby highlighting the value and importance of the involvement of each and every individual;
• advocating for measures to counteract antisemitism and all forms of Holocaust relativisation;
• fostering understanding and sensitivity in areas where a critical attitude towards antisemitism should be particularly encouraged;
• contributing to the development of a common awareness in the fight against antisemitism or otherwise contributing towards a culture of remembrance that is innovative, sustainable and dedicated to educating people.

The Simon Wiesenthal Prize is endowed with an annual sum of €30,000. It is awarded in two categories:
• Civic engagement to combat antisemitism (€7,500)
• Civic engagement to promote Holocaust education (€7,500). 
In addition, a main prize endowed with (€15,000) will be awarded for outstanding civic engagement to combat antisemitism and/or promote Holocaust education.

Nominations will be open until 30 September 2021.